
Product Recommendation System is a machine learning-based project that provides personalized product recommendations to users based on their browsing and purchase history. The system utilizes collaborative filtering and content-based filtering algorithms to analyze user behavior and generate relevant recommendations. This project aims to improve the overall shopping experience for users, increase sales for e-commerce businesses


I have used an amazon dataset on user ratings for electronic products, this dataset doesn’t have any headers. To avoid biases, each product and user is assigned a unique identifier instead of using their name or any other potentially biased information.


1) Rank Based Product Recommendation

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Outputs -

Approach -

2) Similarity based Collaborative filtering

Objective -

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3) Model based Collaborative filtering

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The squared parameter in the mean_squared_error function determines whether to return the mean squared error (MSE) or the root mean squared error (RMSE). When squared is set to False, the function returns the RMSE, which is the square root of the MSE. In this case, you are calculating the RMSE, so you have set squared to False. This means that the errors are first squared, then averaged, and finally square-rooted to obtain the RMSE.

| ⚠️ This project is solely for learning how recommedation systems work. ⚠️ | |—————————————————————————–|